So, "How's that book coming along?" you might wonder. Well, it's almost finished! I'm done writing it and now working through final, detailed editing. April was really great for writing and editing. I'm so much better at editing on actual paper—there's something about being able to physically cross out errors or draw arrows to move paragraphs around that makes my process go much smoother than on a computer. So, when I realized that, the book took off! Hallelujah because it's been an arduous process.
I've told a lot of people about my book and how I'm going about publishing it, but here's a little more info. Basically, very few companies will publish first-time authors. Now, if you're like me, you think, "Hmmm, so how does someone ever get published?" and that's a good question...and one I haven't mastered yet. But, I'm hoping to work with WestBow Press, which is the independent division of Thomas Nelson. The only issue is that they need money up front, and for those who know me well, I'm broke. Teaching high school in Hawaii didn't exactly allow my savings account to build up. is a site that lets people raise money for their creative projects while offering rewards at different donation levels (i.e. a copy of my book when it comes out), and I'm trying to use that to pay for a publishing package. CNN, The New York Times, the BBC, and Time Magazine among others have featured the site, and it has a cool set up. I have 30 days to raise my money, and if I do, I keep it and pay the publisher, but if I don't raise it, every cent goes back to the donors, so there's little risk involved. Worst-case-scenario, if I don't raise the money, people only lose the time they spent looking at my page. :)
So, today is the day I launch my page. Stress! It's a huge praise that they accepted my project, and now I'm going to spend the next thirty days praying for God to provide—pretty much what I've spent this year doing as I've needed His guidance for this new endeavor in my life. If you at all want to help me, I would so appreciate it. I realize that already so many people have helped me immensely by praying for me over the years and encouraging me. What really would help is if you want to pass along my site to anyone you think might be interested. Not only can it help me reach my total, but it can also get the word out about my book, and I feel strongly about it.
I didn't leave Hawaii and move to flat and insufferably hot Dallas because I had a whimsical idea to be a bum and try writing for a while. This book has been on my heart for the past three years, and I feel like I'm supposed to be obedient and go for it—not so that everyone can read how awesome (not!) my life is but because there's a need for resources for young adults with cancer. Every time someone has passed on my blog or referred a friend with cancer to me, I've been reminded how passionate I am about helping others battling the disease.
Below is a link to my Kickstarter page. Even if you just stop by to learn more, I would be so grateful! The more people that know about the book, the more people (hopefully!) it can encourage when it comes out.
Thanks to everyone who's been on my team in this process—for encouraging me, praying for me, checking in on me, and believing in me and where God's leading.
On Christ the solid Rock I stand,